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Carers Group

Caring for someone with a brain injury

If you are caring for someone with a brain injury, or have a relative being treated in hospital, we aim to help you meet the challenges ahead and find the support you need.


Brain injury doesn’t just affect individuals; it can transform the lives of entire families. Depending upon the severity of your relative’s injury and its effects, you may have to make considerable changes to the way you live, such as becoming a part-time or full-time carer.

Headway UK’s booklet Caring for someone with a brain injury (PDF) provides extensive information for carers plus an overview of brain injury, useful illustrations and case studies that bring the information to life.

There are lots of useful resources here on the Headway UK website.

Carers Support Group

We host a monthly informal carers support group, at which carers can meet and discuss any challenges they might be currently facing. The group is also for people wishing to have some respite from their caring role and enjoy a brew with  like-minded people.

We meet on the last Monday of every month 1pm – 2.30pm at Weatherspoons Calverts Court, Stockport.

If you’d like to know more please get in touch.


Carers Support Group meet on the last Monday of every month 1pm – 2.30pm at Weatherspoons Calverts Court, Stockport.

The Calverts Court
13 St Petersgate,
Stockport SK1 1EB.

Get in Touch

    Bridge Hall Community Centre, Siddington Ave
    SK3 8NR

    07423 673 110
    0808 800 2244 (National helpline)


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